Thoughts about all things related to Barry Manilow's songs and the inspiration they bring to his fans and to anyone who listens to them.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Living vicariously through others
It wasn't too long ago that I was jumping on planes and heading to Vegas, and elsewhere, to see Barry Manilow perform. But my life has changed in the last year and those frequent trips have come to a screeching halt. Next week, and next month, some of my friends will be hopping on planes to head out to Vegas and this time, I won't be joining any of them. It's hard to stay amped up about the shows and related events when you feel so far removed from the excitement. I sympathize with all those who have never been fortunate enough to see him perform live and I understand how difficult it must be to read and hear about other fans' experiences, all the while wishing you could be fortunate enough to participate as well. But all you can do is live vicariously through others and if you're lucky draw from past memories.
And boy, do I have the memories. I'm blessed in that respect. I've made some amazing friends, had some wonderful experiences, traveled around the country and experienced many different concert venues. I've shared some special moments and witnessed my friends have moments of their own. It's been an amazing ride.
This month and next, I'll be reading the reviews and talking to my friends while they are having the time of their lives in Vegas. If they manage to make it to Atlantic City, I'll be remembering the trip I took there to see Barry right after his surgery and the day we spent there after the Philadelphia concert walking on the boardwalk. Lately, it's the memories, and living vicariously, that keep me going and hanging on to the edge of fandom.
Living in the memories, Texas Fan
I know things have changed for us but I will always be glad that you were a part of some of the most cherished moments of my life. Take care and "I'll see you then, when the good times come again."
Boy Suzanne, I could have copied your post and put my name on it as well. All I have to say for me is....ditto....ditto....ditto. It's no spending quality time with friends and Manilow for me for a while anyway. Spending more vacation time at home with my granddaughter and watching over ageing parents (ages 90 and 91). Maybe when we finally see Barry again, we'll have a better appreciation for being able to travel. Can't go as often as I have been the past 4 years. What a ride it's been. Not over yet, just put on hold for a while.
I've seen him a few times in Houston. The last time was at the Woodlands. He hasn't been back. I did go to the 1st and 2nd conventions. But I doubt I'll ever get to Vegas. Just too expensive. But I'll always have the music...
I know things have changed for us but I will always be glad that you were a part of some of the most cherished moments of my life. Take care and "I'll see you then, when the good times come again."
I will miss you this have been there since my first show in can live this year vicariously through me!!!
Boy Suzanne, I could have copied your post and put my name on it as well. All I have to say for me is....ditto....ditto....ditto. It's no spending quality time with friends and Manilow for me for a while anyway. Spending more vacation time at home with my granddaughter and watching over ageing parents (ages 90 and 91). Maybe when we finally see Barry again, we'll have a better appreciation for being able to travel. Can't go as often as I have been the past 4 years. What a ride it's been. Not over yet, just put on hold for a while.
Lori. Me too.
Survivor. I'll miss being there too.
Jude. Guess it's just our time in life.
I've seen him a few times in Houston. The last time was at the Woodlands. He hasn't been back. I did go to the 1st and 2nd conventions. But I doubt I'll ever get to Vegas. Just too expensive. But I'll always have the music...
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