Saturday, October 22, 2011

My Manilow Memories

Lately, some have accused me of NOT being sentimental about Barry leaving Vegas. Nothing could be further from the truth. I’m incredibly sentimental, but in a good way. I’m sentimental about the memories that I have created while I was able to attend Barry’s shows. I’m sentimental about the friends I have made (the ones I have met, and the ones I have yet to meet). I’m sentimental about the way Barry’s music always makes me feel. Even though I’m realistic that the time has come to move on, I’m still sentimental.

I spent the last few hours doing some fall cleaning; weeding out some clothes in my closet and taking stock of what no longer fits (thankfully because they were too big) while watching Music and Passion. Watching this video and going through my “Manilow outfits” served to cause those memories to come flooding back. And when that happens, I have to share them. It’s cathartic to write them all down and what better place to do it than on this blog that I started December 17, 2006 with a post about Studio Musician.

I can’t believe it’s almost been five years since I started writing down my Manilow Musings about Barry, his music, my trips to Vegas and his fans. It’s been quite a journey that started with excitement about rediscovering his music, getting heavily entrenched in the fan world (with all its good and bad), and making almost monthly treks to Vegas (only because my son worked for Continental at the time = free airfare!). As this time comes to end, it seemed only fitting to reflect on what was “the best of times” and share some of my favorite Manilow memories.

I’ll be posting them over the next few days, but here’s a preview:
  • You’ve Got a Friend
  • On the road with Manilow
  • What happens in Vegas…
  • The revolving door
  • It’s all about the fans
  • It’s all about the music

It’s been fun sharing my moments, my thoughts and my memories with you over the last five years. I hope you enjoy my trip down memory lane.

Until next time,

Texas Fan


Unknown said...

I've enjoyed the ride. Alas we all grow and change, even Barry. God speed to us all.

Anonymous said...

I love the picture you have on one of your most recent topics, Barry in his white jacket during M&P. IMO, M&P was the best, nothing has come close. Side stage seats, champagne, hoping to be Jacket Girl or being chosen for the dance, exciting, innocent, fun times that have somehow become serious, competitive and nasty.

I do feel it's time for Barry to take a breather, not that I won't miss seeing him in Vegas, just the contrary. Hopefully he will still do concerts here and there, I couldn't imagine never seeing Barry perform again. If that were the case, there would be a part of my life that would be incomplete. I have a VERY complete and satisfying life, even if Barry were no longer around, however, traveling to see him and spending time with friends and my husband in Vegas would truly be incredibly different.

Memories are what we have to live by and I'm so thankful and fortunate to have been able to do what I've done in the past six years. I'm not a rich person, I did what I could and thought of it as a "once in a lifetime" experience, and I had several of those experiences with Barry that can't be duplicated. I'm grateful.

Now on with other things in life whether with or without Barry, but he will always be with us. Jeepers I sound like he's gone to the heavyside layer (lol), but I think you know what I mean.


texas_fan said...

Very well said. I couldn't add another word.

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