Thursday, May 22, 2008

Living Deep

I went into the woods because I wanted to live deliberately.
I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of put to rout all that was not life; and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.

~Henry David Thoreau

One of my absolute favorite places is Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts. It's where Thoreau went into the woods to meditate, write and be alone. It's where he found his inspiration and where he put all the cares of the world aside and was able to see life in a different light.

It's so easy to get tangled up in the day-to-day mundane activities of life and miss out on the beauty of it all. Living deliberately takes some effort. It requires determination and fortitude and an ability to say no to all the naysayers that come along. Navigating the ins and outs of it all can be difficult and scary at times. But this life we live should never be wasted or taken for granted. Grab hold of it and:

Just aim beyond the clouds
And rise above the crowds
And start your own parade

Living Deep,
Texas Fan

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